Blackburn Skua & Roc

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2010
Blackburn B-25 Roc
Blackburn B-25 Rocs.jpg
Blackburn Rocs (2).png
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magazine advertisements
Blackburn Skua Ad.jpg

Blackburn AC Skua Ad (2).jpg

I think this might be the cover of the pilot manual, but Im not sure.
Blackburn Skua Pilot Manual.jpg
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Blackburn Skua K of 800 Sqn. bombing Km Cruiser Königsberg off the coast of Bergen, Norway on April 10,1940, the first major warship ever sunk in war by air attack and the first major warship ever to be sunk by dive bombing.
Blackburn Skua K 800 Sqn Königsberg (41040).jpg

Blackburn Skua pulp cover.jpg

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