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Airman 1st Class
Apr 18, 2011
I've been trying to get ready for a model conversion, but the engine that was used I can't find anything about. It is probably on an obvious site, but I have yet to find that.

The aircraft was a Fw-44J modified to take a ducted fan in the nose. This was the proof of concept demonstrator for a proposed Jet-powered Fw190, with the engine installed in the nose.

The original engine for the Stiegltz was removed, and the BRAMO 325 installed and drove a 4 blade ducted fan. That's about all the modification I could find, so had been planning on building it, 1/72 scale, as a companion model with an FW190TL.

On the face of it, it looks fairly easy, but then, one of Murphy's Laws states, "It's never as easy as it appears", and I'm hoping this request will take the big hard part out of the equation.

The duct and fan are relatively easy, leaving the engine and cowl for the engine to be made. From the three view, the 325 appears to be a twin row radial.

Could anyone point me in the direction I need to go? I appreciate any helpful suggestions, and thank in advance for any assistance offered.

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