camo on Schramm's Bf 109E-4 (or 7) Jg 53 BoB = questions

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I've read that too. The permanent black lacquer for night operations didn't arrive until 1941 and a permanent white winter camouflage lacquer was even later, in 1942, so there is a precedent for non-permanent colours. Many pictures of white aircraft with very blotchy winter camouflage date from the 1941/2 winter in the East. The Germans had no permanent winter camouflage because they hadn't planned on needing one.
I've never found a designation for a non-permanent yellow, though the evidence suggests that units were applying something that came off quite quickly.
Good to know on the RLM 04. Mix it (almost) as you please and keep it weathered and faded.
Here are my FM 109G-4 and Tamiya 109E-4. The E-4 is going back into the paint shop to receive it's 70/71 scheme and then 02 on the sides after that.

i case folks are wondering... i am still working on this one. I have stripped the paint 3 times. It is back in worn 70/71 right now. Letting that cure, then back to adding the 02. Considering i started both these 109's 6 years ago... i really want to finish them both.
LOL. Yep. Both have been painted and stripped of paint at least twice. Finally got some momentum on the work bench these last 3-4 weeks. Back to enjoying my hobby! The G-4 will be RA 363-6. The E-4 will still be Schramm's JG 53 BoB. The A-8 will be Bindseil's yellow 11 from JG 1.

Up next, the mottling... always makes me nervous as i have a hard time getting my airbrush to spray that fine.
i tried it time and time again. I have Gunze Acqueous paints. I thin 2 to 1 (thinner to paint) and also use retarder, still splatters too much and not thin enough. What i sprayed today did not go well. Luckily it is very thin paint, so easy to correct the mistakes. I am thinking that i will need to get an airbrush that can spray finer than my Badger 360...
I just found a good deal on a Badger Sotar. Should have it in 10 days. Taking the next step (two airbrush guy).
hoping not. I'd like to keep at my hobby more regularly (and have more success/finished builds).

I tried the Earla camo on the G-4 with a paper mask... mega fail. The A-8 also awaits some fixing of painting mistakes with a better airbrush.
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Okay, decals are on. This is not my best work but I need one in the finished column.

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