CFS 3 on vista?

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Sep 1, 2008
Hi guys and galls...please someone tell me that I can play version 3 on vista..not on line ...I have the spitfire 08 from real air..stunning!
but feel the need sometimes to go over to dover and kick ass!
Thankyou kind sir....trying to think of a quote now...ummm here's a nice one.recent tv doc showing pilots training to fly a spit.." make love to the air..Don't SHAG IT!!"
Hi guys and galls...please someone tell me that I can play version 3 on vista..not on line ...I have the spitfire 08 from real air..stunning!
but feel the need sometimes to go over to dover and kick ass!

Sweet! Where do you get your downloads from? Is it Real Air? I'm quite happy with flying the in-game Do 335B, but I wouldn't mind an Ar 234, if they have one.

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