Classification was held at a Base in San Antonio, Texas. It was here that we would learn if we qualified for pilot, navigator, bombardier training or were washed out of the Air Force Cadet Program. More academic testing plus a lot of tests on coordination. I had completed the requirements and been informed that my request for bombardier would be honored. Pre-flight was held at the same base but wouldn't start for two weeks. Having nothing to do I volunteered at roll call one morning. They took five of us down to the cold storage area where a refrigerated truck was backed up to the dock. Our assignment was to load the truck with hind quarters of beef. The quarters averaged about 50 lbs each, were nice and firm, so it was no problem throwing one over your shoulder and hanging it in the truck. We finished only to learn we had to accompany the truck to mess halls at bases near San Antonio, and there were a lot of them. As the afternoon became warmer the meat became slippery and was hard to handle. We finally came to the last mess hall and had one hind quarter to unload. It took all five of us and we dropped it in the company street. The chef came out to help us get it in the kitchen.
This was the second mistake of my military career.