Cold War classic: Magyar MiG-15bisz, Group build

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Brigadier General
Dec 17, 2007
The back of beyond
Mikojan-Gurevics MiG-15bisz, 101. felderitőezred, Magyar Légierő, Szolnok - Hungary, 1970's.

Username: A4k
Name: Evan
Category: 2/ Intermediate
Model: MiG-15, Italeri (ex-Dragon)
Scale: 1:72
Accessories: Hungarian Armour Decals (HAD) #72028: Magyar csillag és számsor (Hungarian stars and numbers)

This aircraft needs no introduction, but epitomises the early cold war period...

Mine will be an aircraft of the Magyar Légierő (Hungarian Air Force), who used the type from 1952-1975.
The particular machine will be aircraft No.806 in late-service camouflage as seen on the strength of the 101. felderitőezred (101st Reconnaissance Wing), based at Szolnok, Hungary in the 1970's.

Kitwise...this is going to be interesting, as the wings are the wrong shape :)...Alot of detail will be scratched along the way too...anyway, the subject:


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Great choice there Evan, can't go wrong with the MiG. This GB promises great variety of subjects already. Anyway, looking forward to see your work on this model.

I'm curious though, was the term "Magyar Királyi Honvéd Légierő (Royal Hungarian Army Air Force)" really used in Hungary during that time? The country being Soviet satellite and all...
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Cheers guys...hope she works out the way I plan..!

(Edited my answer to Igor's question, and corrected post 1 accordingly - see post 12)
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Nice one Evan! Good to see the iconic MiG 15 in the GB. I have seen the air force refered to simply as 'Hungarian Air Force', but obviously you'll know more than me!
BTW, what's the problem with the wings? Are they MiG 17 or 19 maybe?
Great pick Evan! My 10 year old son has a MiG-15 kit he wants me to let him enter in the group build, but I don't know about his staying power as he has yet to finish a model my himself. :rolleyes:
Cheer guys!

Glenn, had a word with my MiG last night, and it said it feels lonely. If your son could arrange a build companion for it, I'd appreciate it! :)

Terry...I don't know more than you! Me naiive thought it was still called the ROYAL Hungarian Air Force...that was the name from 1920 - 1945. Actually just the Magyar Légierő (Hungarian Air Force)- since then (...we live and learn! :) )

As for the wings, they're slanted too far back...more like a MiG/ F-86 hybrid...
nice one evan if one plane could sum up the cold war it has to be the mig 15

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