Combat Sims

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Apr 15, 2005
found this BB today while searching for WW2 aircraft pictures, and must say, im impressed to find out theres a BB dedicated so much to ww2 aircraft.

question is? does anyone in here play any ww2 flight combat simulations?

if so has anyone ever heard of aces high?

hope im not asking a silly question, just thought someone would probably be interested in the link below

aso heres a little film of the the sim.[/u]
I fly in Fighter Ace.

The padlock view gives the best overall emersion in my opinion. Like all sims, some aspects of the plane and weapons modeling could be improved.


RG_Lunatic said:
I fly in Fighter Ace. Like all sims, some aspects of the plane and weapons modeling could be improved.


That's certainly true, but they're still a lot of fun to play. I've never tried Fighter Ace. :-k
I've played CFS2 in the past, and currently I'm into the IL2:Forgotten Battles/Pacific Fighters sim. I'm also a fan of Lock On Modern Air Combat and it's predecessor Flanker 2.5.
Nonskimmer said:
RG_Lunatic said:
I fly in Fighter Ace. Like all sims, some aspects of the plane and weapons modeling could be improved.



That's certainly true, but they're still a lot of fun to play. I've never tried Fighter Ace. :-k
I've played CFS2 in the past, and currently I'm into the IL2:Forgotten Battles/Pacific Fighters sim. I'm also a fan of Lock On Modern Air Combat and it's predecessor Flanker 2.5.

Fighter Ace is a subscription game. It allows arenas with up to about 200 with little lag (some dialup'rs are hopless). None of the peer-to-peer (boxed) games can really compare to the client/server (subscription) games.


On my side, I never tried any of the Il2 games. However, I play several flight sims like CFS 1 3, an old 1994 game from Rowan (UK) called Operation Overlord, Red Baron II and a lot of Star Wars space sims.

For those of you who are interrested, you can find the game for free here (12 MB download) :

Don't worry, Rowan closed down in May 2002 after 12 years of business (that's a bad new). So there won't be any legal pursuits (that's a good new).
If it's peer-to-peer, don't bother.
Maestro said:
I know. But personnally, I don't care. I always play solo.

You know that can make ya go blind right? :oops:
Overlord is brilliant, it was my first decent flight sim (my first ever was Srtike Eagle 3). True it looks very dated now, but it still plays well, and the missions can still be quite a challenge!
Yeah. I think it was the first game to use 3D drawings when out of the cockpit (i.e. Ops Room, Commander's office...).

I found those screenshots on a foreign web site.


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