Senior Airman everyone:
I really enjoy reading about the exploits of Flt. Sgt. George Unwin of No. 19 Squadron while he was posted to RAF Fowlmere. I have included many pictures of the "in process" portion of the build, as well as the finished products, included in a mini-diorama, which captured a 3rd place in last year's GraniteCon in New Hampshire, here in the good ol' US of A. Hope you enjoy them. The pilot figure comes from the kit, and has arms and legs reposed. The dog is from Andrea. The chair I scratched from cloth, toothpicks, and basswood. The Tamiya Spitty was a joy to build! And I hope everyone can open the link above. My little contribution in advance to the upcoming 75th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain. Just discovered noboday can open OneDrive without login and password. Will rectify tomorrow on my mainframe.
I really enjoy reading about the exploits of Flt. Sgt. George Unwin of No. 19 Squadron while he was posted to RAF Fowlmere. I have included many pictures of the "in process" portion of the build, as well as the finished products, included in a mini-diorama, which captured a 3rd place in last year's GraniteCon in New Hampshire, here in the good ol' US of A. Hope you enjoy them. The pilot figure comes from the kit, and has arms and legs reposed. The dog is from Andrea. The chair I scratched from cloth, toothpicks, and basswood. The Tamiya Spitty was a joy to build! And I hope everyone can open the link above. My little contribution in advance to the upcoming 75th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain. Just discovered noboday can open OneDrive without login and password. Will rectify tomorrow on my mainframe.
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