Covering all windows on a civilian junkers 52?

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aurelien wolff

Airman 1st Class
Sep 20, 2018
Hello, I ask if it could be done because I'm still unable to find he inside of my first junkers 52 and if revell doesn't provide me with the part, I'll have to do that and put a tarp on the canopy to hide the empty interior. If it could, then how?
Thanks for your answers!
If you meant the pilot cockpit .. there is a lot of images showng the compartment for Ju-52/3m. But if you mean the passenger area I just would draw curtains or blinds of the windows there. Actually making the entire interior from scratch using the Revell parts shouldn't be any trouble..

the curtains

Ju_52-3m curtains.jpg

the blinds
Thanks for the pic, I don't have the revell part tho, I've searched everywhere in my workshop, got nothing (note: I'm going to take the goering one for my birthday, something I find a bit odd is revell doesn't provide the tail wheel, only the ski).
In the BEA edition of the kit, they provide the tailwheel and the ski tho. Also got the opportunity to get it in 2 weeks .
What is the kit number you have - 04558 ? As memo serves , the tailskid was used for early Ju-52/3m sub-types , Ju-52/3m fe/ge and early Ju-52/3m g3e. The tail wheel appeared with late g3e version and became the standard with the g4e variant in 1935.

the plane you want to replicate :
Ju52-3/m fe, s/n 4022
LUFTHANSA, D-2527, 1933, "Manfred von Richthofen"
LUFTHANSA, D-AGUK, 1934, "Manfred von Richthofen", reregistered
RLM FLUGBEREITSCHAFT, D-AGUK, "Kurt Wolf", 1935, Goring's travelling aircraft
crashed 1942

So , Göring's Ju-52/3m was of the fe sub-type. And no wonder she had the tailskid.

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