Crashed FW-190 part ID

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Jul 29, 2024
Hello all,

I have two pieces of a crashed FW-190, which were found in the Normandy area of France. I am curious if anyone knows if these numbers are at all identifiable, or can lead to further information. Off some old posts, I now know that the "9-801" ID's a BMW engine. the other numbers unfortunately are for parts designation found in a catalog. Does anyone have a catalog for this, or know of a place I can further this investigation? Thanks a lot.

Yep the BMW 801 engine parts ... Fw190G-3 part ID??

1. 822-875 ... the "Stauwand ( zwischen den Zylinder ... ) " ... a cylinder air baffle guiding cooling airflow around the cylinders no. 12 and 13.
2. 824-894 ... the "Manschette, vollständig" ... a cuff complete

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This was extremely helpful, thank you so much. Where did you find the page that has all the parts and numbers? Perhaps you could share it with me, I would certainly appreciate it. Any idea what the "fae." means on it?

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