DB Fluid Drive Mechanism.

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Airman 1st Class
May 28, 2008
Trentham, Victoria, AU

Can anyone please translate the attached German text which relates to the working of a fluid drive device designed by Arthur Berger of Daimler Benz in 1940.

Unfortunately, the drawing does not show the movement of the oil into or out of the device, so it is difficult to work out what the designer is actually on about!

Good luck.
k1 and k2 are on the output shaft of the fluid clutches. v is input shaft from cramkshaft. e1 is low speed drive and d1 is high speed drive for the supercharger fan. directing pressure oil to the k2 tq converter drives the fan at low speed. oil to k1 drives fhe fan at high speed. the oil supply and control unit are not shown
Type it into google translate... also have you got the patent details as we can see if there was a UK or US application in English?
Does this patent help?
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