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Jul 8, 2009
Howdy folks
I noticed looking around here and other various places online(the main go to sites) and it seems there is no information on the DB605 A or AM or AS that show some sort of power curve for the 1.15ata setting or speeds for the same settings. Or is is safe to say that all 3 different engine models had the same Hp at that setting of 1.15ata?

Thanks in advance
The DB 605A and AM will do the same power on that manifold pressure and choosen RPM The MW-50 system, 'attached' to the 605AM engine will be used only for manifold pressures above 1.42 ata, when used fuel is B4.
The DB 605AS, the version with larger supercharger, shoud be making more power at higher altitudes (talk 6-7 km and above) and less at lower (4-5 km and lower), due to bigger S/C sucking out more engine power.

edit: Hmm, the lates comment is in practice only partialy true - the data sheets show 1075 PS at S/L for either A, AM or AS, on 1.15 ata. Though, the AS have had lower take off power on 2800 rpm and 1.42 ata setting, 40 PS less.
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Tomo thanks for your input. Could you post the data sheet in reference please.

Thank you
Awesome thanks again. This makes it easier to compare instead trying to decipher graphs/ power curves that are faded lol

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