Dimensions of Lancaster FN.20 turret ammo boxes

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Mar 18, 2012
I'm working on a 1/32 scale (what-if) model of a Westland Wendover fitted with an FN.20 turret. Anybody know the dimensions of the ammo boxes that fed that turret on the Lancaster? It's the boxes located halfway down the fuselage.


P.S. Anyone working on the 1/32 Lancaster kit could possibly measure the kit parts for me, that would help too...
The boxes are 33 inches long, 18 inches tall and 3.25 inches wide. The stiffeners running along the length are .375" thick so the overall outside width dimension is 4 inches.

Great, thanks a lot! I did some calculating and it came to about 27.5mm long and 15mm high at 1/32, and I got some work done this morning...

I added some grab-handles to the boxes, and still need to build some transport-gutters. But it's a start.
I will probably post a build thread soon.


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