DONE: 1/32 Hasegawa Ki-84, 57th Shimbu-Tai - Group Build

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Ok, time for me to get my PTO build up and running, been chipping away at this one in between doing the Ta152 and Me262....

Now, I'm a judge....I am participating rather than competing...

The kit is the 1/32 Hasegawa Ki-84 Hayate, the aircraft I will be depicting was part of the 57th Shimbu-Tai (Special Attack Corps) probably the most striking markings seen on a special attack aircraft...stay tuned!


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Thanks Paul...there ain't much, but I think I got what I need.....maybe?.... but please feel free to chip in with anything you may have that might help.:D

Will post more myself tomorrow, including the only known full photo of my subject with some details....:D
Maybe these will help as well!!! :lol:


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Ok even though Paul has beaten me to it....

My subject aircraft Nakajima Ki-84 "White 21" flown by Corporal (Isao?) Takano of the 57th Shimbu-tai, The photo is the only known shot which shows a full view of "White 21" and it's red and white arrow marking, making this a rather striking and colourful bird, the marking on the rear fuselage reads "Certain Sinking".

The photo was taken at 1 pm May 17, 1945, a total of 12 FRANKS of the 57th Shimbu-tai take off heading for Bofu airbase Yamaguchi Prefecture from Shimodate airbase Ibaragi Prefecture, after completing all special attack training.

On May 25th the aircraft of the 57th Shimbui-tai attacked American vessels surrounding Okinawa and were killed in action.


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Looks to be a good subject there Wayne but why? would you go do a 1/32 scale(Dan to) and make for me some gawd awful reason too start me thinking about my 1/24 Trump Zero hun? :confused: I mean I can't let you guys be the big dawgs with no comp can I ?I am thinking now.Damn ya'll and wife will start,what's that word??? :) Cheers Kevin
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