**** DONE : 1/48 F-100D Super Sabre – 511th FBG, 405th FBW.

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
G'day all, this is my third entry to the 'Cold War' 6th Group Build.

Username: Vic Balshaw
First name: Vic
Category: 2 – Intermediate
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Monogram
Model Type: F-100D-45-NH Super Sabre 55-2796 – 511th Fighter Bomber Group, 405th Fighter Bomber Wing , Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. May 1959.

I purchased this kit second hand in the late 1990s and believe it dates from about 1995.

Extras: Aero Master F-100D decal sheet 48-781.

1-1 Sabre.jpg

Langley Field, May 1959.

1-2 Sabre.jpg

The original box cover.


The kit parts which came in a rather battered box and have been living in an old Vampire box for the last few years



The Aero Master decals. The kit originals are for the 'Thunderbirds' display team and look somewhat battered.

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Nice one Vic! I don't do jets too often but the F-100 is on my list of "Want to Builds" along with the F-104. I'll be watching closely to see what kind of kit the Monogram one is.
Looking forward to this. I built that kit when it came out and was pretty happy with it. Unfortunatley it did not survive my cross country move. Still have a few of the decals around if you need any - they aren't the Thunderbirds scheme like on the box top.
Great choice, and a very nice kit Vic. I built one when it was originally released, in the early 1980s but, like Peter's, it didn't survive a house move! Still got some of the bits and pieces left !
Ok 'Pete', 'Janet', 'Andy', 'Shirley' .....
................and all you other gracious gentlemen out there, work has been progressing on the F-100D but not without mishap. I tried out a couple of ideas on the instrument panel and cockpit tube and made rather a hash of them both......
...... So the last couple of days have been spent scratching the head and slowly recovering the situation with any bits and pieces I could find to make up a new panel and tube.

2-A1 Cockpit.jpg

Pic 1 2. The instrument panel and cockpit tube after I had stuffed them up and cleaned and scraped them off. With the kit being made of the silvered plastic, the imprint of the mouldings can still be seen.

2-A3 Cockpit.jpg

2-A4 Cockpit.jpg

Pic 3 to 5. The revitalised cockpit tube. I used the original tube and added some spare etched detail and then did a hand painting job with some scratch building for the leavers.

2-A6 Cockpit.jpg

2-A7 Cockpit.jpg

2-B1 Cockpit.jpg

Pic 6. The scratch built instrument panel again made from surplus bits of etched detail and the odd decal.
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