**** DONE: 1/48 Mosquito FB VI 617 Sqn RAF

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Senior Airman
Jul 16, 2009
Glenrothes Scotland
User name -jamierd
Name- Jamie
Kit -Tamiya DeHavilland Mosquito FB MkVI/Nf MkII
Details -FB MkVI NT202/AJ-N of 617 Sqn the damnbusters,RAF Woodhall Spa,July 1944
Accessories- eduard masks and photo etch
Decals -Xtradecal set X48-075


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Great find Paul. I'd told Jamie I'd once seen a pic of a Mossie BIV, possibly being used by 617, but couldn't find anything else. Good to know I'm not the only one 'in the dark'!!
In spite of my previous post, I knew that Cheshire's FB VI was actually coded N is questionable.
great find mate ty .if we assume that the second pic is NT202 then it has no fairings on the exhausts at least thats how it looks to me what do you guys think
my camera is playing up today so only 1 photo has come out lol will need to fix the camera and get some more .the 1 that has turned out is the instrument panel resting against the navigators seat so here it is (Eduard can make even me look reasonable)


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