**** DONE: 1/48 Tempest MkV - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

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Nov 16, 2008
Username: Crimea River
First name: Andy
Category: Judge – Non-competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Eduard
Model Type: Tempest MkV
Aftermarket addons: None planned

Though I vowed to finish my Ju88G-6 for GB28 before launching into a new kit for this GB, I thought I'd put my foot in the door and reserve my spot with what I hope will be a relatively quick build with a few minor mods.
I've not settled on a scheme yet and don't feel like going the after market decal route, unless someone comes up with a really neat one. The Eduard kit offers decals for 7 variants, the only thing being that they are almost all extremely common representations of the Tempest. Of course there are two schemes representing the inevitable Closterman rig, JF-E, SA-M flown by S/L C.J. Sheddan, two Beamont rigs, one with D-Day stripe and an earlier one, SD-R flown by F/O B.F. Miller, and "EDM" flown by W/Cdr E.D. Mackie.

I'm tossing out Closterman's, one of which is post war anyway and will need to chose one from the other 5 choices. Every day I look at them I like a different one so this might come down to a coin toss.

The Eduard kit is an enhanced limited run offering. The simple but reasonably detailed molds are supplemented by Eduard's typical toss-in of a fret of PE parts and also some nice resin details. The main issue will be the thick trailing edges on all the wings which I may rectify through careful sanding against a perfectly flat surface.

I may yet break my own rule and start on the pit for this one in the next couple of weeks but don't hold your breath!
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me too Andy.

you will need to do a lot of fiddling to get the resin cockpit in and leave enough room to get the lower wing piece attached though !

i enjoyed building mine !
A Tempest will be very nice to have in this GB. I believe the Tempest is one of the Ta 152H's officially recorded adversaries.
Andy, a good choice...
Just some info regarding Clostermann Tempest V: the one you think is probably NV724 flown during August 1945.
- Tempest Mk.V serie 2 NV994 JF E during April 1945, black propeller spinner (before the victory day) and no sign of victory, or Croix de Lorraine or unit (3 Sqn) => 2 FW 190 destroyed
- Tempest Mk.V serie 2 SN222 JF E, "Le Grand Charles" during May and June 1945, black propeller spinner (before the victory day), no Croix de Lorraine, but RAF 3 Sqn insignia (big model) on the tail after the 8 May and 21 + 7 Victories and then 23 + 9 victories => 6 aircrafts destroyed on the ground, 1 Fw190, 2 Do24, 1 Ju252, 2 Do18
- Tempest Mk.V serie 2 NV724 JF E, red propeller spinner, Croix de Lorraine on each side of air intake, RAF 3 Sqn insignia (little model) and 23 + 9 victories... ;)
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I love the Tempest Andy. Almost did a 1/72nd one to go with the Typhoon I did a couple of group builds ago but ran out of time.
OK, I decided to give this one a start whilst waiting for the Future on my Ju88 to cure. The Eduard kit thankfully comes with a nicely detailed resin and photo-etched pit which, though beautifully done, will be largely invisible due to the narrow opening when viewed from above. Nonetheless, I went and installed all the fiddly knobs and levers that were called out

Here are the sidewalls. Black uppers and cockpit green were laid down and the background got a good dose of black wash over the flat paint so that the entire surface darkened. Then the frames were highlighted again with basic cockpit green, followed by all the fiddly bits.


The "floor" comes in 2 pieces so the lower section was painted separately before assembly to highlight the large pipe and wiring and then the foot rest assembly, PE rudder pedals and various bits were added. The firewall got a dark wash just to help with the shadow. Not very pretty but it wont be seen anyway.



The seat before receiving PE belts and height adjustment lever.


The instrument panel is a bit tricky as the PE need to be bent to meet the concave angles of the two side panels but looks nice as can be expected of an Eduard IP. The compass and its mount are yet to be added.


Assembly of the port side wall is now done and awaits completion and addition of the seat.


That's it for now folks!
Thanks guys. Almost tempted to save this pit for one of my Tiffies but will stay the course.

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