**** DONE: GB-48 1/48 Hs123A-1 - Military A/C before 1939 (inc. Spanish Civil War)

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Username : Wayne Little
First name : Wayne
Category : Judge – Non competing
Scale : 1/48
Manufacturer / Model : GasPatch Models
Extras : (Eduard) Canopy Mask & Camo Mask Set and Seatbelts. Decals from Xtradecal

I have been wanting to tackle this Aircraft for some time and with this GB it slots right in.
The subject of this build is the Hs123A-1 specially painted for Lt. Seigfried Hamman.
Quote from Luftwaffe im Focus No.14
"In the summer of 1938 he was adjutant to the Staffel Commander of 3/Fliegergruppe 50. Hammon who was not a Pilot, pulled off the trick of secretly learning to fly in his spare time. Sometime in the summer of 1938 he went to his Staffel Commander Oblt. Brucker and informed him of his new abilities. The latter, almost surely with the approval of the Gruppe Commander, granted permission for Hamman to show what he could do.
An aircraft was selected for the flight and the ground personnel subsequently overpainted all the Hs123's markings and prepared it in a manner befitting the occasion.
The aircraft was literally covered with Sayings.
On the right side of the tail was 'God save our Adjutant'
The right Fuselage 'The last close-support flyer?'
The Left Fuselage 'All beginnings are difficult, Lt. Hamman BE CAREFUL.'
Left tail ' 'Little Fish Kurt' "
Suffice it to say Lt. Hammon went on to become a combat pilot flying with III Gruppe of Stuka Geschwader 2 participating in the attack on Poland in 1939.
In May of 1940 fighting in the west he was killed in action when his Stuka took a direct hit by Flak.

Photo Source : Luftwaffe im Focus Edition 14 A TOP series of Books)
Great choice Wayne! Always loved the 123, and that scheme.

Hope the kit's accurate, none of the 1:72 kits are!

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