**** DONE: GB-49 1/48 Bf109G-6 - WW2 Night Fighter

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Senior Airman
Oct 22, 2019
User Name: .......Wildesau
Name: ................Walter
Category: ..........Intermediate
Kit: .....................Eduard Bf109g6
Scale: .................1/48
Accessories: ..... none
Extras................. 0

My first build was a 109 when I was a child so it was an easy choice. This will be a first as I haven't built this scale 109 before. Looking forward to it. The kit is an Eduard weekend edition but I'll be creating Night fighter version.

Thanks there's only 2 photos for reference so the painting will be interesting.


  • e727a02b73282b4ea06b8c3eab971c20--luftwaffe-planes.jpg
    33.5 KB · Views: 68
  • Messerschmitt-Bf-109G6R3R6-2.JG300-Red-6-Arnold-Doring-Germany-Aug-1943-01.jpg
    172.4 KB · Views: 74
Ok fuselage is done with a little work on panels and rivets.

Do you think I need to make the centreline more pronounced?

I'm posting a link from flikr, if flikr saves it as original then resolution is 3000 x 4000.
Good progress, and the fuselage spine panel line looks OK.
It's probably better to upload your pics direct to the forum, rather than use an unnecessary photo-hosting site - reproduction should be better, and the pics won't suffer the possibility of disappearing at some point in the future.

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