It is often said the Ju-88 was Germany's "Schnell bomber" (fast bomber), one so fast it could outrun enemy fighters. Well, the fact is the Spitfire, Hurricane, and Dewotine 520 could easily catch it and shoot it down.
The Ju-88 was fast only in the Luftwaffe's dream.
The Do-17 when it started service was faster then anything the Spanish had. Losses where far greater from AA and accidents then air-to-air.
It was also maneuverable, as written by its pilots, but also those that tried to shoot them down (reported by RAF flyers in Hurricanes and Spitfires!)
Why was it pulled from front line service in mid 1941? The Do-217 was put in full production, can could carry 4000kg the bomb-load. While the He-177 and Ju-288 could not replace the earlier He-111 and Ju-88.
BEFORE you start posting, check out this web site.
Dornier Do-17 and 215 facts and info
The Ju-88 was fast only in the Luftwaffe's dream.
The Do-17 when it started service was faster then anything the Spanish had. Losses where far greater from AA and accidents then air-to-air.
It was also maneuverable, as written by its pilots, but also those that tried to shoot them down (reported by RAF flyers in Hurricanes and Spitfires!)
Why was it pulled from front line service in mid 1941? The Do-217 was put in full production, can could carry 4000kg the bomb-load. While the He-177 and Ju-288 could not replace the earlier He-111 and Ju-88.
BEFORE you start posting, check out this web site.
Dornier Do-17 and 215 facts and info