Dornier Do 215B-5 cockpit color ?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011

Need advice regarding the cockpit color of a Dornier Do 215B-5 flown mid 1942. I don't know the werk nummer but this aircraft (R4+DC) is often depicted as the one flown by Helmut Lent during Spring/Summer 1942 from II./NJG2 based at Leeuwarden. The assembly instructions indicates a RLM02 color for the cockpit but I ask myself if it's not possible that the cockpit color was RLM66 for the period ? My opinion is based on the fact that Helmut Lent was GruppenKommandeur and probably flew newly arrived aircraft in the unit or fresh from the factory...

What do you think about ? TIA
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I would go with RLM 66 for any area visible from the outside on a Do 215, even well before the 1942 date at which you are modelling this aircraft.
We know that other 'bomber' manufacturers were using RLM 66 in this way, Heinkel before the war and Junkers in 1939/40, maybe earlier. Why should Dornier be different?

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