Ever wonder what Old 666 really looked like on June 16, 1943?

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According to every source currently available, including Jay Zeamer's personal flight log and notes, the navigator's combat diary, personal interviews with the surviving crew members in the late '90s and early 2000s, the 65th BS morning reports and other contemporary documents, as well as photos of 666 before and after the 16 June 43 mission, its sister ship "RFD Tojo," and other B-17s in the 43rd during that era with similar gun complements—it looked like this.

Yes, I mention a fundraiser in the description of the video. No, I'm not asking for donations here. I'm linking to it because of the presumed interest in the plane from members here, especially if they're wanting to build an accurate model of the aircraft. If that's still too much, I can just post a still frame from the video. I just thought folks would like to see a little more than that.

View: https://youtu.be/NPuO4lRK-6o

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