Favortie WW2 aircraft/fighter and why?

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Oct 24, 2006
Just curious but whats your favorite WW2 aircraft/fighter and why?
Mine is the Bf-109G-6. I love the beautiful yet menacing warbird look of it, kind of like an angel of death. Was it the best fighter of WW2? No, but for me my favorite.
From the first day of the war until the last it was the best Allied Air superiority fighter and after the war it provided the backbone of many fledgling European air forces. It just looks so damn sexy too!
spitfire101 said:
Just curious but whats your favorite WW2 aircraft/fighter and why?
We "senior" members here have done a dozen of these favorite plane threads over the years....

Why not go to the most recent existing thread, READ THE THREAD, and then comment as to what UR fav plane is????????

Or even this one...
But this is so much more fun!

P-40 Warhawk. Good lines, rugged, and mean.
Folland 119 because its cute.

Image by Flitzer


  • folland 119.jpg
    folland 119.jpg
    35.8 KB · Views: 168
You got me there - never heard of it! Looks intriguing...
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