Fiat Cr 42 - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
User Name : Javlin
Name : Kevin
Category : Intermediate
Kit : Classic Airframes
Scale : 1/48
Accessories : OOB with rigging

The Fiat Cr 42 was the last biplane fighter to be manufactured during the WWII.The Cr42 enter service the Regia Aeronautica in late 1939,the plane was praised by its pilots for its exceptional manuverability and flying characteristics.However ,the Cr42 was a classic example of pushing a good idea to far.

I have this kit for quite a few years and now how have motivation to build it.The build will consist of another OOB using supplied resin engine and PE details for the pit.


  • Fiat Cr 42 003 (900 x 675).jpg
    82 KB · Views: 240
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Parts Layout.....


  • Fiat Cr 42 001 (900 x 675).jpg
    93.3 KB · Views: 216

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