Fiat G91

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Sep 17, 2006
Hi there,

Can some inform me where I can get a cut away of a Fiat G91 (any version) as a few of my friends have been bagging for one in my archives but I don't have one for them.
Hi there,

Can some inform me where I can get a cut away of a Fiat G91 (any version) as a few of my friends have been bagging for one in my archives but I don't have one for them.

Hi, I hope that my attachment can halp you. Sorry for my bad english.


  • fiat_g91.rar
    452.8 KB · Views: 197
Thanks Rollercoaster_it, i have passed on the plannes to my modelling friends.

Does any body have the cutaway that cam in the Italian aviation press in the 70´s?

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