**** FINISHED: 1/72 Pe-8 AM-35A "4 red" - Heavy Hitters II GB

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jan 12, 2010
**** FINISHED:1/72 Pe-8 AM-35A "4 red" - Heavy Hitters II GB

User name: destrozas
name: sergio
category: intermeadite
kit: zvezda 7264 Pe-8 Nº 42088
scale: 1/72
accesories: none

That was Pe-8 with AM-35A engine (No. 42088, Red 4) of 746 APDD (long-range air regiment), in March 1943. The bomber was produced in 1942.

The plane is by opcas images I could find of the which was damaged in the bombing of the railway junction of orel, not recovered after repair by the amount of damage I had, lña see structure should have been reached or the landing made ​​after reaching friendly lines.
I put the photos even if you have an infinite number of errors and failures

I tell you what, this is about the best job I have ever seen anyone make of a kit! I have this kit in my stash and so I know it must have been extremely difficult getting the finished model to look this good.
I tell you what, this is about the best job I have ever seen anyone make of a kit! I have this kit in my stash and so I know it must have been extremely difficult getting the finished model to look this good.

has been very hard and each piece had to be modified to fit the worst is that the detail of the plane is fabulous but then you run into such unions and fists would you eat has been a model that cost me half decent but let has taught me something too ...

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