**** Finished Shots of Each Build ... WW2 PTO V

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Siggy Master
Jun 19, 2005
The first model has been finished and that's the time for the thread beginning ...

N4521U - 1/48 P-40 AVG
Category - Advanced

Ralph Haus - 1/48 USN SB2U-3
Category - Advanced

Davecww1 - 1/48 Ki-61-Id TONY
Category - Advanced

Ralph Haus - 1/48 P-39Q Airacobra
Category - Advanced

Vic Balshaw - 1/48 Corsair F4A-1A/Mk.II
Category - Advanced

fubar57 - 1/48 Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat (Late)
Category - Advanced

Wayne Little - 1/48 Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan
Category - Judge – Non competing

rochie - 1/48 Ki-84
Category - Intermediate

Bustedwing - 1/72 D.H. Mosquito PR. XVI
Category - Advanced

Ralph Haus - 1/48 Ki-61-Id Hein
Category - Advanced

Donivanp - 1/24 Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat
Category - Intermediate

T Bolt - 1/48 CAC Boomerang
Category - Advanced

Bernhart - 1/72 Brewster Buffalo
Category – Non competing

Crimea River - 1/48 Nakajima Ki-84
Category – Judge - Non competing

Totalize - 1/48 Spitfire MK.Vc
Category - Advanced

PlasticHero - 1/72 Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero
Category - Intermediate

le_steph40 - 1/48 Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa "Oscar"
Category - Advanced


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