**** FINISHED: "White 1" Bf 109

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
I am calling this guy finished and off to the LHS for display pulled the Bellagambi's a couple of weeks ago.I am off to a new project so may be absent some seeing its Naval.I will poke back in to see the fine work and add words of encourgement.Cheers ;)

extras:OOB-except for fuel lever r/side of IP-nice kit w/exceptional fit


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Thks Guys! she is now at the LHS there Dan if you need to grace her with your presence.She does look good doesn't she.Now lets see if any of you slackers can step up to the plate and get something done for gods sake!!:p Cheers Guys
You are wecome. Really nicely done. Tell me please ...is the model the final product instead of the white 12 that you have enlisted to the GB project?
Yeah "White 12" was too late in the conflict so we went with "1" to fit the parameters of the GB.
Thks Lewis and David.I have taken an affection to the Luft birds for there paint schemes and with my Renegade coming next week Hmmmnnn....

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