Flying Boats?

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Aug 17, 2008
The "D"
Looking for any large images of Fly Boats pre-1950's. Is there any good image database or other sources to browse? Thanks so much!
Somewhere on this forum are four pictures that FlyboyJ put up, like these.
This happens to be the Martin "Hawaii Mars".



  • mars1.jpg
    60.9 KB · Views: 162
  • mars2.jpg
    56.6 KB · Views: 166
  • mars3.jpg
    73.2 KB · Views: 155
VP-31? Former VP-65 AD here.

Joe: I don't remember what VP was at NAS Jax in 1951-52. I was
attached to ComFairJax, and use to bum rides in the PBM's. They would
fly down to the Keys and to Gitmo. Most of their radiomen would rather
stay home with their family they fly extra hours.

edit: According to Wiki, NAS Jax has been home to VP-3, VP-5, VP-16,
VP-30 and VP-45,

Joe: I don't remember what VP was at NAS Jax in 1951-52. I was
attached to ComFairJax, and use to bum rides in the PBM's. They would
fly down to the Keys and to Gitmo. Most of their radiomen would rather
stay home with their family they fly extra hours.

edit: According to Wiki, NAS Jax has been home to VP-3, VP-5, VP-16,
VP-30 and VP-45,


Pretty Cool!

I think VP-45 was a training squadron.

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