Ford GAA engine (aero version)

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Tech Sergeant
Mar 26, 2009
Can anyone offer more about this engine beyond Wikipedia?
I'd love to see more details, particularly its development as an aircraft engine.
The Wiki numbers seem to be for the 8 cylinder tank version.
One might be lead to believe that it was a knock off of the Merlin. Ford was supposed to Build the Merlin under license before backing out of the deal and Packard signing on. Ford did get a few weeks with the Merlin drawings, I am not sure if they got their hands on a Merlin sample engine that was in the US at the time. The sample engine/s and drawings did wind up with Packard. The Ford engine uses the same bore and stoke as the Merlin for the same 1650 cu in displacement. How much details may have changed I don't know, how much was copied, how much was "inspired by" and how much was simply if you are going to build a V -12 with 4 valves per cylinder then some parts are going to look like other peoples V-12 4 valve per cylinder engines. The Ford apparently used DOHC instead of the Merlin's SOHC so some details are changed.
I don't know if it ever flew and Ford spent at least one year and possible up to 2 years on the project.
Ford of Britian produced Merlins at the Trafford Park plant in Manchester.

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