Future Group Build Suggestions.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
As mentioned in the discussion about polls for future Group Builds, after the Pacific Theatre build, here's my initial list of suggestions. There's no particular order of preference, but hopefully, this will prompt some more ideas from others.

Allied Bomber Offensive , Europe, '41 - '45.
Battle of Britain.
Cold War Protagonists, '49 - '89.
Korean War.
Mediteranean Theatre.
Spitfire, '39 - '45.
Messerschmitt 109, '39 - '45.
??? Squadron, R.A.F. History, 1918 - 2008.
Air Sea Rescue, WW2 - Present.
Photo Recce, '40 -'45.
What if? Any period, any type.
Other Nations in the R.A.F., '39 - '45.
Night Fighters, '39 - '45.

Feel free to include some of these in your own lists, so that the most popular can be 'seeded', in order to reach a mutual agreement from the polls.
Cool list, Terry!

How about considering the Pacific War, either by area or by year?

Example: Battle of Midway, Burma area, 1944, etc...

Some battles had a real narrow offering of aircraft, but some areas or time periods had a huge variety of types and nationalities.
Down Low, for ground kill aces.
Eastern Front, '41-'45.
Freezing H*ll, Northern Europe.
The Golden Years, between the wars.
Red Stars, VVS.
MIA KIA, for those that don't get the attention they so rightly deserve.
I like it, some good ideas there guys. There's a couple there that tie in with each others, and some I was going to include. Looks like the suggestions will come together nicely, and provide a final list(s).
Looking forward to the suggestions from the other time zones.
Keep 'em coming chaps!
Come to think about it....how about a ground GB in the future, like tanks etc?

Battle of the Bulge, 16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945.
Operation Market Garden, September 17, 1944 – September 25, 1944.
Battle of Stalingrad, 17 July 1942 and 2 February 1943.
Battle of Kursk, German Kursk :July 4, 1943 – July 20, 1943, Soviet Kursk : July 4, 1943 – August 23, 1943.
Italian Campaign, 10 July 1943 – 8 May 1945.

Wouldn't mind to try my hands on something HEAVY...:lol:
Good idea Jan. There's two on your list I was going to include (Mkt Gdn Btl Bulge), having been prompted by seeing the Panther questions. Always wanted to do another Arnhem diorama.
I like these ideas guys

Coastal command sounds interesting

Also like a Commonwealth Airforce GB Sounds good!

How the heck are we gonna decide what to do after the PTO GB????(as in the order)
I had a thought :!: :shock:

I saw the 'Foriegn Spitfires' compo thats on at MM and thought how about a 'foreigners' build for us? By this, I mean famous aircraft in colours you wouldn't usually associate with them - so, Irish Spits, Czech 109s and Swedish Mossies, or Iraqi 110s, for example. Not 'captured aircraft' though.
Sounds good, BT. I'll wait until quite a few more suggestions come in, then compile a total list. As mentioned previously, those that are shown in more than one post can be added to one list, with the remainder on another. From those, two polls can be held, to end up with one list. From that list, a poll can show which ones are popular, and it can then be decided on the order for the popular, or repeated suggstions, and that for the 'others'.
I hope that all makes sense!!?
I like the idea of a armour build. The only problem I see with the Foreign builds, is that if you're cheap (like me) or a beginner and may not want to purchase aftermarket decals, it makes it hard to participate.
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