FW 190 Pics..........

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 22, 2011
Chesapeake VA
Fellow Warbird lovers.........if any of you have any pics of the "Buther Bird" may I have them please. On the German side of the house I think that aircraft is the meanest they had to offer during the 2nd World War! Being able to see one fly, hear the engine and touch one every weekend at the Military Aviation Museum is simply bad@#$, I thank you all in advance. I am a scale modeler and I have 9 different FW 190's and I am itching to put them together. I just want pic from every resource possible and if I choose your pic I will post the model on here!
I think I have drained Goggle, YAHOO, ASK IT dry LOL , I have been searching ....... I am finding ALOT of great stuff! I love this plane so much I have "Buther Bird" on the back window(window sticker) of my Dodge Charger SRT8. Check it out LOL
It is on my Black 6.1 Hemi Charger so it fits nicely :twisted:


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