Fw 190 Picture

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Tech Sergeant
Jun 10, 2007
Lancaster, California
I have looked around the internet and this is the only photo I can find of this Fw 190. Anyone have any Info on it. It appears to have 2 Air intakes on the engine nacell. Was this a one time deal, or were several produced. Or, could this be a Trop version. What would be the advantages of this. Sorry for the many questions guys. Here is the link I got the photo from. Lots of good pictures here.

German Air Force Pictures

Sorry Silverfish, it is not. I'm not 100% sure, but I'll look into it right now. I think it's a Fw 190C though, which never entered production.

EDIT: Whoops, def not a C. This is a C.

Regardless, the picture that you posted is a prototype. Maybe Wurger will be able to help, though I'll keep looking.
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Here is another photo with the same intakes. I might be wrong but this looks like a F-8 with the underwing racks. Again im probably wrong, as I dont know much about Fw190's. Could this infact be a Trop version.

Here is another one. Hmmm, pretty intresting none the less.

I dont think these were prototypes, again I could be wrong. Dang, thats been happening alot lately.
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Actually, I think I found it. Without being able to see either the tail or the cowling gun covers, I think it is this:

Fw 190A-3/U7 - attempt to create a new high altitude fighter, with reduced weight, with armament consisting of only two MG 151/20 E cannons. Only three planes built (W.Nr. 130528, -530 and -531); they can be recognized by external charger air inlets on both engine cowling sides.

From IPMS Stockholm.

EDIT: Posts clashed. Hmm, I have no idea. Are there any other photos showing the tail? That would allow me to determine if it's an F or G, or if it's the variant I posted. But you're right, they look operational.
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That's good enough, thanks for hunting it down. A-3s and older had a flat type aerial mast on the tail, where as A-4 and newer had a pointed one, like in the photo, and to boot it has the later style bulged gun cover over the cowling. This just stumps me, as I've never seen that before.

Also from IPMS Stockholm.

The URL of the image says it's an A-5. I forgot I had a couple books in PDF on the Fw 190 on my computer, I will have a look.
"Early" is a loose term when it comes to Fw 190s. A's were produced from the truly early A-0 through A-9, with the A-9 being produced through the end of the war.

It would also appear they are all different versions, as the cowling covers are different.
Yes, that is the original version, though even with the advent of the D, the A's were produced through the end of the war, so there are later versions of those as well.

They're dust filters! I don't know why I didn't think of that. I found a bunch of pictures in the Kagero books which I will post once I'm done finding them all.

From IPMS Stockholm

As you can see silverfish, there is some differences between the 190's but the cowling has pretty much stayed the same through out all the designs. Are you thinking of the Dora and Ta152? I dont know why I didnt think of dust filters. So would that mean these are Trops?
It says here:

"The A-5 was developed after it was determined that the Fw 190 could easily carry more ordnance. The engine was moved forward by 15 cm (6 in)."
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Actually, now that I re-read the captions, and the pictures you posted, they are compressor air intakes, on A-4s and A-5s. You can tell the difference because they are solid, whereas the filters have a non-solid part in the centre.
Actually, now that I re-read the captions, and the pictures you posted, they are compressor air intakes, on A-4s and A-5s. You can tell the difference because they are solid, whereas the filters have a non-solid part in the centre.

I wonder why only a few A model 190s got them. Was there a advantage to this setup. This has really got me curious now. Sorry for bugging yall so much.
It's ok. I don't know what the advantage would be, I think it was an attempt to supercharge the engine. I'm not the person to ask about technical questions, but I wouldn't think there was much of an advantage if it saw such limited use.

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