Fw 190A

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the old Sage
May 20, 2004
Platonic Sphere
gents would like to know if any of you can re-size the tail and see clearly.....ha, ha......... the werke nummer

thank you, am looking at the center bird with the black eagle over the exhaust, white ? 2 with black outline

Erich ~ apoligies this is from Germany and is quite small .....


  • FWF_8_D_9.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 246
O know Roman you don't have to say it, the thing is too bloody small just talked with the chap that has the print and he cannot get it any brighter nor larger. where do you see the 6 if I may ask......is it the first number ? if so this would confirm something in my mind about the crate
Unfortunately the picture is of 72 DPI only.So it is impossible to make it sharper.Simply pixels are too big.

Here is enlarged area of the pic you need E.


  • FWF_8_D_9_a.jpg
    56.5 KB · Views: 207
understood W ~ thank you guys for trying, the 6-digit number is there, maybe another foto will arise for better clarity

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