GB-36 1/32 Fw 190A-8/R2 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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This pic is dated September 1944

and this one early 1945

The pic source: Falkeeins' site.
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The pic is dated the Summer 1944. If the leather flying kit was in use in the September 1944 and the one in the pic below in the Summer 1944 it would mean the the changing was at the turn of the July and August or August/September.

Helmet is the summer, lightweight type. Boots are one of the standard pattern. Probably have the 'Kanal' pants, in Luftwaffe blue-grey cotton mix material, as worn by the guy on the left in the pic in Post #65, which could be worn over the boots, if lace-up type, or tucked in to the flying boots.
Jacket could be black leather (no standard pattern, as many were privately purchased - the heavier, fur collared type became issue around late 1944, with the trousers), or a cotton twill jacket, similar to the one in the painting you posted, which could be light cream (unlikely for the period), a darker tan/brown, or more usually, Luftwaffe blue grey, like the Kanal pants.

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