GB-48 1/48 TBM-3 (2) - Carrier & Maritime Patrol A/C of WWII

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
Username : donivanp
First name : Don
Category : intermediate
Scale : 1/48
Manufacturer / Model : Hobby Boss TBM-3
Extras :

I plan on building OOB with no mods other than maybe seat belts and decals. I want a true comparison between the two different kits.
As a point of difference, why don't you make one of them an RNZAF example? Same colour scheme, different markings adding a dash of colour.

View attachment 600466Avenger i

View attachment 600467DSC_8138

Here's a link to decals, the top example is the one whose markings this airworthy example is wearing:

RNZAF Grumman TBF-1 Avengers, Ventura V4894 (2016)
I was thinking about Aussie or one Atlantic and one Pacific fleet. I'll most likely do both as VT 84 off the Bunker Hill. Having a bit of a time finding markings for Atlantic fleet and most of them ar TBM/F-1s. I can do that (I have three Academy and four Hobby Boss kits to work with. I'm just not sure at this point.
I was thinking about Aussie

Aussie never operated Avengers, just RNZAF, British FAA and USN during the war - other countries post-war, but during WW2, only those three countries. Would be good to see a variety of markings.
I have been captivated by the USS Bunker Hill since I was in Jr High back in Kamiah ID, 1973 time frame. My history teacher was aboard the Bunker Hill during the Kamikaze attack and would tell stories about his time aboard the ship. VT-84 was the Avenger squadron for air wing 84 and at the time of the raids on Japan February 16-17 as part of task force 58. For this operation the nose cowls on participating aircraft were painted yellow. The yellow being removed after the raid was over.

Hard to see but the large fuselage window on Commonwealth Avengers were domes

Must'a been an FAA thing, Kiwi ones didn't have them, largely because the RNZAF aircraft came from US stock. We got Dauntlesses and Corsairs direct from US stocks as well and with a lot of the aircraft the star at the centre of the US markings were simply overpainted with RNZAF roundels.
OK so I went a bit overboard today. I ordered up three sets of PE.


Geo is running with the AM and I figure I'll work on the HB. The biggest difference I noted with the two kits is that HB gives a wing fold option. Crude but the option just the same.

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