GB-52 1:48 Martin B-26 - Heavy Hitters IV

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Hope you get well soon Don. Sorry to hear about the build. I was looking forward to seeing this one get across the finish line. Hopefully we shall see it elsewhere maybe on start to finish build? My daughter who lives with us got Covid and my wife was also sick over the holidays(cold) but I never got sick. Was double vaxxed at the time but so was my daughter. My immune system is compromised and I would have definitely got sick without the vaccine. She got Omicon but recovered quickly.
Yeah both my wife and I are fully vacxed and boostered. We both worked at Walmart when this all started. I'm retired now but she still works there.
I've been warned by the Urologist nurse about even the slightest symptoms of Covid with getting hormone shots now after Prostate cancer.
My wife as well with a constrictive pulmonary problem.
We are on the At Risk Hit List and qualify for immediate inoculation should we test positive.
Hoping all goes well with you and yours.
Thank you Bill. We did pass it relatively minor if you can call it minor. It was much like a bad bad head cold for me. My wife had some body aches as well but that was the most of it for us. Wishing you well in the cancer.

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