Thanks to MMaty12
for tipping me to a Monogram Snaptite B-26B on Ebay.
This kit is a short wing, early B-26B, requiring the least modification to convert to a B-26 "straight" as used by the 22nd BG.
I hope to tart it up with the photo-etch and vacuform, plus the .50 cals. I will have to scratch new spinners. It needs new decals, which will probably have to be cobbled together. If converting the tail is too much for my feeble skills I will convert it into an early B-26B of the 69th or 70th BS.
Kit has arrived with the extra goodies.
Looks nice.
The Eduard photo etch is geared to the Airfix kit, which I have. So, I might be using interior parts from that as needed.
The Monogram kit has good molding lines for the bomb bay doors and the camera hatch. I want to build an "open plan" with all hatches, bomb bays, etc, open to show off the innards.