GB-60 1/72 Dornier Do-26 - Zombie Build.

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 6, 2005
North Delta BC
User name: Bustedwing
First name : Graham
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: Mach2
Model type: Dornier Do 26
Scratch built details, probably some scotch whiskey.

For years I would pull this kit down, open the box, check out the contents and it was always "Mmmmm......maybe later". It's got a spectacular amount of flash and ejector pin swarf. Probably enough extra plastic to build a fighter kit ! The clear parts are....well far from clear. I may end up vacu forming them depending how a coat of Future works out. I give it this, it has some nice surface detail and though some of the parts appear quite crude, they do seem to fit fairly well, those that I've cut loose and tried. Nearly every part needs lots of clean up. I think this kit fits "zombie build" to a T !

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Always love a flying boat and like you have shown, lots of detail including huge ejector marks. It will be a nice build to watch. :thumbright: :D
Digging in...literally. There's enough plastic shreddies on my bench to build a whole other kit ! Shaving all the swarf off. The pieces fit surprisingly well despite how misshapen they appear. The oil coolers I used some brass screen on the backs side to hide how odd they were shaped. The covers for the coolers took a lot of mining with the Dremmel and a small burr to fit over them. I'm looking for some details on the mechanics of the float retraction to try and build a bit of detail into the wing. So far, zilch.

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Mud job on the wings. Getting the wing floats sorted out. Lots of bondo, files and sanding sticks to get the floats to fit the wing. There is some nice detail on the upper wing exposed to the opening for the floats. I plan to add a bit more. The way the kit is designed for floats down, the actuator struts just hang from the float and are not attached to anything in the wing like hydraulics or any mechanism for raising and lowering the floats. These will have to be scratch built but so far I've been unable to find any diagrams of pictures. .Will probably end up being a "wing it " deal !

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Back at the wing floats. Lots of filing and sanding I finally got the floats to fit the wing. I added some detail to the floats by cutting holes in the inner part of the struts. The few pictures I have shows them that way. Still needing a bit of clean up. As for the inside of the wing. I'm still looking for a picture of the actuators and related plumbing. I may end up just making something up.

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