**** DONE: GB-62 1/32 Spitfire Mk. VIII - Spitfires

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Getting wheels and tires ready


Well it's closing in on the finish line, not good but it's a learning curve.

Had to reshoot the blue as there were some thin spots and the gear wells needed to be blue.

Had to super glue the prop on.

Definitely not happy with it but that's all my bad.
What's not to be happy about? I think with decals, matte coat and a bit if weathering it will look just fine. No aircraft looked factory fresh after a few combat sorties, especially under the hot Med. sun.
While that's true and the pictures I have prove it out, I'm not happy with how it turned out. I'll have it finished and it might look ok in a picture it won't be what I'm trying to accomplish. I've learned stuff so it's good as a learning tool.

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