**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IX - Spitfires

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I have the same model with the Italian Insignia (ICM48069) and I'm curious to understand the work that needs to be done to come up with a nice model... And from what I've seen so far, it seems like there's a lot to do... But I'm sure you'll be a great help to me.

Good work


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I am building this kit myself, I got the RAF airfield set which has two Spitfires Mk VII or XI, actually they are two identical kits that can be built into both. So I am making one with my beginners skills and when I have found all ways to screw it up, I will do the other for the GB,

Some additional resources:

Thanks, I wont de rail this thread any more than it has been already. I am messing about trying things like painting cockpit stuff with a magnifying glass and surface preparation to get a nice finish. My first version will just be an "object d'art" wheels up, no guns sort of PR type and not historically representative of anything other than the essence of a Spitfire, but good practice for what I want to do next, getting the best finish I can from brush paints awaiting Santa and his air brush.
This forum is the most informative and active place I have found.
When it comes to discussion, when it comes to "discussion" a thread
can ever be de railed. We all learn from it!
I don't have much time to finish. Will start painting exterior today!!!!!!!!
I been slackin.
If it is true that we learn from our mistakes, my second build of this kit will be the absolute dogs goolies, I will take some pics and include in my actual group build.
Sticking stuff on today! sorta getting ready for the first coat of color.
I abandoned the Real Plastic filler at the back of the wing. Used my
melted sprue in whatever it is? Let it set a couple of days and BAM.
Smooth as, as you can see. I used a clippy, a tube and sandpaper
for the curve, worked a treat! So it goes.

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