GB-63 1/48 Macchi C.202 "Folgore" - Stormy Weather

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Thanks guys.

Fuselage details filled and moved as needed per the above post and the intake filter was added, though there remains the small piece at the front of it that needs a bit of thinning down:


I didn't show the instrument panel earlier. I used the Hasegawa IP decals but cut them out individually, applied them, and then dabbed them a bit with a black pen to reduce the contrast of the white on black.


The gun sight and compass still need to be added and I'll do that just before gluing on the windscreen to avoid them getting knocked off. Turning 180 degrees, we see the seat, which has had the edges trimmed down to appear less bulky. The armoured plate edges were also thinned for the same reason. I have yet to scratch build a representation of the odd seat harnesses but plan to do that before adding the canopy.


Back on the nose, here's a comparison of the kit-supplied exhaust stubs and the now-installed Brassin resin ones. A big improvement.


That's the last update for the next 8 to 10 days as I'll be away from the bench in that timeframe. I will poke around on the forum while I'm gone though. Thanks again for the looks and likes as well as for the kind comments and I'll see you soon.
Thanks everyone, much appreciated. IPMS's been a long time since I entered my models in contests. Just lost interest in them I suppose. I don't even know if/where IPMS Nationals are in Canada but I suspect a lot of inconvenient travel would be involved.
Thanks everyone, much appreciated. IPMS's been a long time since I entered my models in contests. Just lost interest in them I suppose. I don't even know if/where IPMS Nationals are in Canada but I suspect a lot of inconvenient travel would be involved.
True my friend, it's quite a challenge the packing works, but at the end it feels fine when you share your nice work with a group that just maybe will learn from you....

Of course, it's just my opinion my dear Crimea....
So, I'm back. Dihedral - who to believe?


Dihedral Aerodetail.jpg

Mushroom Publications:

Dihedral Mushroom.jpg

Leaning toward Aerodetail. Based on photos, the dihedral looks fairly flat and my model dry-fit is even flatter.
This is not something I go into, I gust aim to get the dihedral even on both sides but for what it is worth Andy, my kit has the almost a flat dihedral. :lol:
Actually the way the wing dihedral is trying to be measured is incorrect. So no wonder that the models ( especially the Mosquito ) have the wings looking like the modeller's arms trying to assemble them. ;)

just to remind ...


BTW ... as memo serves the wing dihedral for the MC.202 was 5° or 6° like for the MC.200.

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