GB-63 1/48 Macchi C.202 "Folgore" - Stormy Weather

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Thanks Berny5664 Berny5664 , good catch. Black they will be!

In the meantime, I got a start on the Nocciola Chiaro 4 base coat. The Tamiya mix I used so far is XF59:6 + XF64:2 + XF2:1 based on a mix document I have for the FS30219 equivalent. Not sure I'm quite seeing it yet bit it's a thin coat so far.


As I suspected, I didn't spend enough time on the wing seams. I had a gap open up on one side whilst trying to fix the dihedral but I thought I fixed it. Obviously not.


It's one of the reasons I squirted on just a little bit of the mix and I'll now go back and apply some surface primer to the leading edges. The other side can use some too.


So, filling and sanding to come and I'll then be in a position to show you something again, maybe tomorrow. Thanks again for following and for the tips and nods.

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