GB-63 "Stormy Weather" - Watcha thinkin'?

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Nov 16, 2008
GB-63 starts Aug 1 so I've begun looking through my puny stash for candidates. I have a Hawker Typhoon bubbletop I could possibly do with lots of decal options so I'm going through them all now to pick a scheme.
Got a few for this one.

Tempest II
Typhoon bubble canopy with choice of 3 or 4 blade props and normal or Tempest tail planes
F 105 G Thunderchief
P-38 j Lightning
EE Lightning F-1/F-1A
2 x P-47thunderbolts, razorback and bubble canopy versions
Got a few for this one.

Tempest II
Typhoon bubble canopy with choice of 3 or 4 blade props and normal or Tempest tail planes
F 105 G Thunderchief
P-38 j Lightning
EE Lightning F-1/F-1A
2 x P-47thunderbolts, razorback and bubble canopy versions

Do I get three guesses which one you'll do? Do the first two guesses count? :lol:

I thought the next was Mustangs? I an still figuring out my ICM spitfire.

Nope, Mustangs is GB-64. GBs 58 thru 65 - Finalized Schedule
Great news for me, especially about the finish date, I've been working hard on the Spitfire (one of them) but havnt posted photos yet as I am experimenting a bit and reluctant to post the numerous cock ups, got the engine(s) done today.... almost. I may need some help from others who have done this kit, for me the undercarriage is too long, it doesnt sit right to my eyes. Will sort things soon hopefully.
Hey all.

Wojtek alerted me to a brain fart that I made in the GB description. I quoted "Fury" as an acceptable entry whereas, as we all know, the word has no relevance to a weather phenomenon, other than to describe intensity. My apologies for that. As a result, I've edited the GB description in the official schedule (linked above) with the word "Fury" struck out. The corrected description now reads:

"GB 63 - Stormy Weather - Aug 1, 2024 to Dec 1, 2024

This Group Build includes aircraft of any era whose code-name or nickname is a word associated with a weather phenomenon. Fury, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Sturmvogel, and Hayate, are all examples of acceptable entries. Fictional or What-ifs are not allowed (sorry fans of the Thunderbirds TV show). Aircraft carrying weather-themed nose art or personal markings can also be entered provided that the scheme actually existed and is not fictional."
Russ Frances' Hawker Fury! Something to remember him by.
Some will say there has never been a blue RAN Fury, but this was his!
I just hope this Airfix kit is a bit better than the Mustang kit I abandoned!

The road to hell is paved with Good Intentions!
Will sit this one out to build "369"!

Already have decals printed. I just looked at the kit, same awful blue plastic.
Don't think I'm gonna like this one either!

RF Fury 02.jpg
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I'm thinking I will be okay with a couple of Italian entries, No .1 MC.200 Saetta (Lightning bolt) and if time No 2. MC.202 Folgore (Lightning). Needless to say the camo on both is interesting. :lol: :lol:
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Hey all.

Wojtek alerted me to a brain fart that I made in the GB description. I quoted "Fury" as an acceptable entry whereas, as we all know, the word has no relevance to a weather phenomenon, other than to describe intensity. My apologies for that. As a result, I've edited the GB description in the official schedule (linked above) with the word "Fury" struck out. The corrected description now reads:

"GB 63 - Stormy Weather - Aug 1, 2024 to Dec 1, 2024

This Group Build includes aircraft of any era whose code-name or nickname is a word associated with a weather phenomenon. Fury, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Sturmvogel, and Hayate, are all examples of acceptable entries. Fictional or What-ifs are not allowed (sorry fans of the Thunderbirds TV show). Aircraft carrying weather-themed nose art or personal markings can also be entered provided that the scheme actually existed and is not fictional."


Also I would like to pay your attention to the "Sturmvogel". It also doesn't have anything common with the weather. As far as I know the German word means the albatross or shearwater/mutton bird.

Also I would like to pay your attention to the "Sturmvogel". It also doesn't have anything common with the weather. As far as I know the German word means the albatross or shearwater/mutton bird.
The literal translation is "Stormbird" so I left that one alone. It only applies to the bomber version of the Me262 anyway but if people want that disallowed the I can remove it from the description as well.
The literal translation is "Stormbird" so I left that one alone. It only applies to the bomber version of the Me262 anyway but if people want that disallowed the I can remove it from the description as well.

OK. No problemo. :)

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