German Aircraft Part Identification

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Dec 9, 2023
Hello everyone!
I have this German aircraft part that I got a while back, and I haven't been able to identify it. It supposedly is German WWII electrical box from an aircraft, perhaps a BF-109 of sorts. It definitely looks like it went through a crash. There is a data plate that has some writing and numbers, and the piece is labelled "P.5". There are three holes in the top; two of which look like they were cut out for switches, while the other looks more like a puncture. It measures about 4" x 3 1/4" x 2 1/4". Any information or knowledge on how to identify the piece would be much appreciated!



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Judging by the name "VSK 1" it seems to be a "Verteilerschaltkasten" = distribiution/connecting box. It's the device casing only I would say. I'm not sure but the "P" letter could be associated with a gunsight or armament usually.
No, the cover is an electrical distribution for a MG. The letter P was used by the Luftwaffe for identifying electrical component's associated with the guns. So is the FL Nummer 46235 a component for weapon systems
Thanks for the help everyone! I will do some further research now that I have a better idea of what it is.
And now all is clear. Not a Bf 109 but the Fw 189.

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