**** GROUP BUILD #13 “Favourite Aircraft of all Time” – Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
**** GROUP BUILD #13 "Favourite Aircraft of all Time" – Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ****

We are proud to announce The Winners and Placings for our 13th Group Build, Favourite Aircraft of All Time.

GB Results – are as follows

Category 1 Beginner / Novice / Casual Level (7 Entries completed)

1st Place David – Florence with his P-51K

2nd Place Charles – CCheese with his A6M2-N Zero Floatplane

3rd Place Tama- Spherical for his A-10 Thunderbolt

Category 2 Intermediate level (9 Entries completed)

1st Place Bill – N4521U for his F4U-1D Corsair

2nd Place Jerry – Woody for his P-51D Mustang

3rd Place Sergio – Destrozas for his Fw190D-9

Category 3 Experienced Level (4 Entries completed)

1st Place Glenn – Tbolt for his F-94B Starfire

2nd Place Glenn – Tbolt for his P-47D Razorback

3rd Place Kevin - Javlin for his P-38J

So without further Delay…CONGRATULATIONS to David , Bill and Glenn and also to the second and Third place getters who were right up there….Well Done!

Again, A BIG Thankyou to all who found the time to participate and get over the line, in this Build.

We had a good spread of subjects and we appreciate the time and effort put in by all participants at the various levels..

Please continue to support the Group Builds in any way you can whether you build something or just enjoy watching others do their stuff!

We want this to be a friendly atmosphere and above all…..have FUN !

Thanks to the The Judging Panel for their time, once again.
Congratulations to the winners and to those who placed. And well done to all participants for providing a large selection of well-turned-out builds.
I echo all the above, and add my own congratulations to the placed entries and all who took part. This gets harder to judge every time!
Many thanks from the judges to Wayne, for correlating all the scores and publishing the results.
Congrats to everyone! This being my first group build it was a heck of a lot of fun, I can't wait till the Carrier aircraft GB!
Congratulations to the winners, and a big pat on the back to all who participated, and KUDOS to the judges for a extremely difficult job well done!
Thanks for the win.
I seem to have gone a little out on the deep end on this one. Perhaps it's the category, "Favorite".

To all who entered, good-on-ya. It's the participating that counts, the joining in. It's what keeps me building, and keeps my sanity in my many idle hours. It's good to be part of a forum that has so many encouraging members.

A big congrats to all the Winners, and the also-rans. This was my second GB, but the first one I finished, and my very first scale plastic model. I enjoyed the Spit build, and was glad I could finish the model. Have a Hellcat on order for the Aircraft Carrier GB. I'm having fun.... Thanks to all the judges, too. I know you all put a lot of time it this.


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