Gutted...bluddy weather!

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Jul 25, 2007
Cambridgeshire, England
So...went to Virginia Beach today to see the Mosquito fly and...drum roll, please...most of the flying was cancelled because the bluddy rain had soaked the bluddy runway. Completely gutted! Dragged the whole family down there, spent more cash than I have...and there was precious little to see from an aviatory perspective (other than the Fw144 which was really cool). Lesson for next time - don't buy the tickets until you know the weather's going to be ok.

The only silver lining to the cloud (literal and physical) was the opportunity to meet up with our very own Rocketeer. Charming gent! Hope I didn't bore him too senseless with my inane rambling!
I have to say the Mossie is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! The restoration team did an amazing job with her. Attention to detail is truly stunning, even in areas not normally seen - she has a full set of 20mm cannon and a fitted-out bomb-bay.

Still wish I could've seen her fly. Wonder if she'll be up for the 1 June Flying Proms.
It was great chinwagging with you Buffnut.....I managed to get back safely......8 hours in all!!!

That Mossie is, I concur, in the top 3 best restorations I have ever seen....awesome....and I mean that in the correct sense Buffnut!!!

Glad you made it back safely Tony. Hope the travel back to Blighty is equally uneventful. It was a great pleasure chatting with you. Hope we can get together again next time you're over here.
Ah s**t ! Sorry to hear about that. There's nothing worse than a washed-out air show. And made worse if it's still raining, as an airfield is not the best place to be!
I'm just hoping it at least stays dry on June 9th, as I'm meeting up with Karl (Rochie) at the Cosford air show. Nothing really spectacular about that show (compared to the Duxford shows, for example), but the Vulcan is scheduled to be flying, and of course the 'Scampton Darts Team' should be flinging their red Hawks around the sky I suppose.
Very sad to hear this. This is one of my biggest fears when travelling to airshows (like I will in 4 weeks time) because I can add airfare to the tab. Been pretty lucky so far though.
Sorry about the weather Buffnut. I am on the west end of the state and we have gotten more rain in the past month than we have gotten in the past year.
Rain - an organiser's nemesis.....

It was one of our fears, and I can tell you that the organisers probably felt worse about the weather than anyone else did.
Oh man, such a bummer! As wonderful as grass runways are, the water issue sure does seem to cause some problems. Was the weather VFR otherwise? Over the years I've learned to just be thankful if ANYTHING can fly.

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