I'm not sure when the K-14 first started being used operationally by the USAAF, but it was March 1944 at the latest. As with most other pieces of equipment there were many variations/modifications to the K-14 throughout its service life. So just like a Mk.IId, a K-14 in February 1946 could have quite a few differences with a K-14 in 1944.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that a mid-44 K-14 used by the 8th Air Force wouldn't look like the one in the photo.
Do you know if all of the early US sights were produced at Bendix? I found this interesting bit:
At a conference in Washington last Tuesday, General Childlaw, Major Elliott and myself conferred with a delegation from the Navy regarding the possibility of the Army obtaining some Mark 18 sights from the Navy for conversion for fighter use. General Childlaw stated the case so well that the Navy reversed its former decision and we are now to get a major part of the present Navy production. The production bottleneck at Bendix has been broken and sights are now being produced in quantity. I am visiting the Eastman plant at Rochester tomorrow with a Naval officer from Washington and we will get the Eastman production line changed from the turret sights to fighter sights. It is expected that enough sights will be obtained to equip all of the P-51's and part of the P-47's in the European theater of operations. As soon as the first two sights are produced I am taking one of them out to the North American Plant at Inglewood so that they can engineer a kit which will be suitable for field installation. If everything goes well, some sights should be delivered in ETO within two months.
The first sights which will be sent to the ETO will be "quick and dirty" modifications of the Navy sight. The gravity drop correction will not be used and no super elevation of the moving reticles will be made. A cleaned-up version will appear in about three months.
This was in a letter to a Colonel H.G. Bunker from a Captain N. R. Peterson, 7 February 1944.
I wish I could have heard what General Chidlaw said!