Ha-43 MK9D - J7W1 Engine, pls end my suffering

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Airman 1st Class
Jun 13, 2016
J7W1 engine

  • Japanese Secret Projects Experimental Aircraft 1939-1945
Take off: 2130hp
2020hp at 1180m
1160hp* at 8700m

*Maybe a typo meaning to say 1660hp


  • Bunrindo Famous Airplanes of the World: J7W1 Shinden

Take Off: 2030hp or 2070hp?
1850hp at 2000m
1660hp at 8400m





  • X-Planes of Imperial Japanese Army & Navy

Take Off: 2130hp
1660hp at 8700m


I don't know about you guys but I'm completely mind ****ed. WHAT IS THE REAL POWER CURVE OF Ha-43 MK9D?!!!

Ok let's look at it more easily, the 3 power curves side by side from the 3 sources.

Take Off Power:
Source 1: 2130hp
Source 2: 2030 or 2070hp
Source 3: 2130hp

Military Power at 1st altitude
Source 1: 2020hp at 1180m
Source 2: 1850hp at 2000m
Source 3: N/A

Military Power at 2nd altitude
Source 1: 1160hp* at 8700m
Source 2: 1660hp at 8400m
Source 3: 1660hp at 8700m

* Possibly typo meaning to say 1660hp
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I think I know the answer. Although bunrindo states the take off power at 2030/2070 if you look at the power curve of the engine diagram, we can see the engine capable of going to 2130hp at take off and even to 2200hp output.

Too bad i dont know what it says in the box top right to see what each lines represent, but from what i can see power curve

Engine Power Set Up 1:
1730hp at SL , 1850hp at 2000m, 1660hp at 8400m

Engine Power Set Up 2:
Around 1900hp at SL, 2000hp at 1800m, 1720hp at 3150m, 1830hp at 5000m, 1530hp at 6450m, 1660hp at 8700m

Engine Power Set Up 3:
2030hp at SL, ??? at 1000m, 1900hp at 6450m, 1780hp at 9500m

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Some chinese guy told me whats in the box on top right. Type 843 engine for different fighters:

J7W1 power curve is
Take Off Power can be 2030hp/ 2130hp/ 2200hp

Military Power:
1730hp at SL, 1850hp at 2000m, 1660hp at 8400m

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