Well I couldn't hold back any longer so I've made a start on the Thunderbolt, it's a big kit and will look impressive on the shelf when finished. I won't be building the 'Gabby' version as most people do, so I've opted for Maj. Glenn T. Eagleston's Thunderbolt with the skull and cross bones nose art. This one's going to be a challenge as it's a NMF but I should be ok as the Wildcat turned out successfully. First up is the Pratt Whitney Double Wasp radial engine. There are very few parts compared to the Trumpeter kits but it's still well detailed. As with most of these planes very little will be seen of the engine but it's nice to put the effort in, so I might even go as far as adding some plug wires. It's a dry fit at the moment but will start spraying it this evening if I get the time.
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